Prof. Feliu Maseras

Improving the efficiency of catalytic processes by computational methods.

Prof. Feliu Maseras

Feliu Maseras completed his PhD in Chemistry in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 1991. His scientific career involved long post-doctoral stays in Okazaki, Japan, with Prof. Morokuma, and Montpellier (France), with Prof. Eisentein. In 1998, he obtained a position of Associate Professor in the UAB, in the group of Prof. Lledós, from where he moved in 2004 to his current position as director of research group in the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ-CERCA).

The focus of the research by Prof. Feliu Maseras has been the application of the tools of computational chemistry to chemical problems of practical interest. One of the main topics throughout the years has been computational homogeneous catalysis, with impactful work on cross-coupling and activation of C-H bonds. Other topics of interest have been organocatalysis, photocatalysis, single electron transfer and mechanochemistry. He has been also active in more methodological aspects, such as the development of QM/MM methods, big data treatment, and the identification of hidden descriptors for chemical processes.

The results of this research are collected in nearly three hundred publications and more than fifty invited talks in international conferences. Prof. Maseras has supervised twenty-four doctoral theses, and hosted in his group nineteen post- doctoral researchers. He has also hosted shorts research stays by twenty-two graduate students and twenty-four undergraduate students.

In recent years, he has also had editorial activity. He has been a member of the Advisory Editorial Board of Chemical Society Reviews from January 2011 and, more significantly, Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis from March 2019.

Awards and Honors

  • 2024
    Miguel Catalán-Paul Sabatier by the Société Chimique de France
  • 2024
    Rafael Usón Medal by the GEQO-Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
  • 2011
    "Bruker Award (Physical Chemistry)" from the RSEQ
  • 2008
    "Chemical Society Reviews Lecture Award", from the RSC

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