HTE Laboratory

The High Throughput Experimentation (HTE) laboratory is a resource that provides ICIQ researchers with the tools and expertise to conduct and analyse a high volume of reactions efficiently within a reduced timeframe


The High Throughput Experimentation (HTE) laboratory is a facility that makes accessible to all ICIQ researchers the instrumentation and know-how to run a large number of reactions and analyze them in a short period of time.

The facility is set up to run different kinds of reactions in 24 or 96 well plates, including those that are air sensitive, reactions with reactive gases or reactions under pressure conditions. Moreover, the Laboratory is stocked with a large number of reagents, solvents, metals and ligands to run the reactions.

Regarding the analysis of the reactions, the lab is equipped with an NMR spectrometer and three chromatographs, a GC-MS, a UHPLC-MS and a supercritical CO2 chromatograph with diode array or MS detector.

To speed up the run processes, the lab is also equipped with specific software to prepare the experiments and analyze the results coming from the chromatographs.

This laboratory has received funding from Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Severo Ochoa Excellence Programme CEX2019-000925-S, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).


  • 300 MHz NMR Spectrometer

    High speed NMR spectrometer to measure 13C and 1H, equipped with a 60 position autosampler.

  • GC-MS

    Gas chromatograph coupled with a MS detector from Agilent. The device has a high capacity autosampler to work with several 96 analysis plates at the same time.

  • Glove Box train

    Last generation glove box from MBraun with sixteen gloves. It’s a space to work under inert conditions that allows the storage of reagents and to set up, run and treat reactions. The box has several connections to provide services in the box: nitrogen flow, vacuum, chiller and electrical connections.

  • Parallel Centrifugal Evaporator

    EZ-II Elite from Genevac. Device to evaporate the content of two 96 well plates at the same time, with the capability to evaporate solvents with boiling points up to 189ºC.

  • Pressure reactors

    Reactors to run reactions under pressure conditions using 96 well plates.

  • SFC chromatograph

    Supercritical CO2 chromatograph coupled with a DAD detector and the possibility to be coupled also with a MS detector and equipped with an autosampler to handle two 96 analysis plates. UPC2 from Waters.

  • Tumble stirrers

    Highly efficient stirrers that ensure the perfect stirring of all the positions in 96 well plates.

  • UHPLC chromatograph

    UHPLC coupled with DAD and MS detectors and an autosampler that handles two 96 analysis plates. Acquity from Waters.

  • Well plates

    A wide collection of 96 and 24 well plates to run reactions under different conditions.


  • Dr. Xisco Caldentey

    Manager at HTE Laboratory
  • Diego Navarro Barreda

    Technician at HTE Laboratory

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