Sustainable materials and devices for energy and chemical transformations
Prof. J.R. Galán-Mascarós research career has been essentially multidisciplinary. During the PhD (University of Valencia, 1999), under the supervision of Prof. E. Coronado, and during a post-doctoral stay at Texas A&M University, in Prof. K. R. Dunbar’s group (1999-2001), JR worked at the forefront of Molecular Magnetism in the design of molecule-based magnets and single-molecule magnets. In 2002, Galán-Mascarós joined the Institute of Molecular Sciences (ICMol) at University of Valencia, as Ramon y Cajal Fellow, to work in the development of hybrid multifunctional molecular materials. In 2009, Prof. Galán-Mascarós moved to the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) as ICREA Research Professor to lead a research group devoted to the development of new materials for applications in the field of renewable and sustainable fuels and chemicals.
He has been the coordinator of two collaborative projects in the field of solar fuels: A-LEAF (2017-2021) “An artificial leaf: a photo-electro-catalytic cell from earth-abundant materials for sustainable solar production of CO2-based chemicals and fuels”; and SUPERVAL (2023-2026) “Sustainable Photo-Electrochemical valorization of flue gases”. Prof. Galán-Mascarós has been awarded several ERC European projects: ERC Starting Grant “Building-up Chemical Complexity into Multifunctional Molecule-Based Hybrid Materials” (CHEMCOMP, 2012-2016); and three ERC Proof-of-Concept projects: “A Solar-Powered Hydrolyzer” (HYDRER, 2015-2016), “A novel platform for user-friendly spectroscopy at very low temperatures and under strong magnetic fields” (U-SPEC, 2016–2018), and “Separation membranes for carbon dioxide removal from gas streams” (MEMCARB, 2018–2019).
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