Sergio Pablo García Carrillo

PhD Student

Sergio got his B. Sc. in Chemistry and his M. Sc. Master degree in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry from Universitat de Barcelona.

He is working on the modelling of materials and systematization strategies ans well as computational simulations of systems of interest in Catalysis and Energy.

Sergio defended his thesis on July 11th, 2022.


  • University of Origin: M. Sc. in Atomistic and Multiscale Computational Modelling in Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Area: Alumni
  • Research Group/s: Prof. Núria López
  • Funding: ICIQ fellowship
  • Phone: +34 977 920 200 (ext. 307)
  • e-mail:

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