Mechanism of the gold-catalyzed cyclopropanation of alkenes with 1,6-enynes

The gold(I)-catalyzed intermolecular cyclopropanation of alkenes with 1,6-enynes is an electrophilic process, which is mechanistically related to the well-known Simmons-Smith reaction proceeding through zinc carbenoids. This cyclopropanation is stereospecific, even in cases where the reaction was found to proceed stepwise.

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P. Pérez-Galán, E. Herrero-Gómez, D. T. Hog, N. J. A. Martin, F. Maseras, A. M. Echavarren

Chem. Sci. 2011, 2, 141-149

Associated ICIQ research group/s:

    Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren
    Prof. Feliu Maseras

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