The article
Gated and differently functionalized (new) porous capsules direct encapsulates’ structures: Higher and lower density water (
Chem. Eur. J. 2009,
15, 1844-1852), co-authored by Tamoghna Mitra, Pere Miró, Adrian-Raul Tomsa, Alice Merca, Hartmut Bögge, Josep Bonet ávalos, Josep Maria Poblet, Carles Bo, and Achim Müller, has been highlighted on the
front-cover of Chemistry – A European Journal on issue 8.
Ubiquitous water is apart from its anomalies, for several reasons the most mysterious compound. According to its basic role in life processes it has even been considered as a biomolecule especially in context of the important role of confined high and low density water. The team of Carles Bo has demonstrated that confined higher and lower density water assemblies encapsulated in the same type of porous capsule exhibit differently functionalized internal shells.