
Photo-rechargeable Nanorobots for Fungal Biofilm Eradication

Project description

Fungal infections constitute a serious health problem, with high mortality and expensive treatments. The drugs used usually generate microbial resistance, which is why Katherine Villa's project will try to find an alternative treatment.

Specifically, it will manufacture nanorobots capable of storing light energy and thus maintain their activity and movement in dark conditions. These tiny robots will be able to move autonomously inside the body to the site of the infection and eliminate it. Thus, the project aims to contribute to developing effective treatments against these infections that do not generate microbial resistance, one of the fundamental priorities of the European Union.



  • Call identifier: Becas Leonardo 2023

  • Timeline

    29/09/2023 - 28/03/2025
  • ICIQ's Budget
    40,000 €

  • Website & Social Media

  • Principal Investigator

    Prof. Katherine Villa

  • Financing Agent / Programme


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