Semiconductors with perovskite crystalline structure with null o residual content of lead for light emitting memories
LEMOSKITES aims to prepare light emitting memories made of semiconducting halide perovskites (PeLEMS) taking advantage of their excellent electrical and optical properties. The novelty of LEMOSKITES lies in the crystal engineering of the perovskite structure and composition to replace the lead, present in the perovskites, to decrease the environmental impact and increase the range of light emission wavelengths towards the red and the near infrared (NIR) opening the door for further applications such as sensing or optical communications.
Non-volatile resistive random-access memories (RRAMs), where the stored information does not disappear when the device is off, have become essential components in the development of products relying on the internet of things. The variation of the current with applied bias in RRAMs shows an abrupt change from low to high electrical resistance that is assimilated to the 0 or 1 signals in the current electric circuits. In addition to the low value of the working bias, RRAMs have stable readouts and are based on the simple combination of electrode-insulator-electrode. Thus, they are highly attractive for the storage of digital information where the demands for the next generation of memory devices are high switching speed, low level of electronic interference, large storage capacity and low consumption.
The transmission of the stored information by light emission has allowed to improve the transport speed of the information and reduce the electronic crosstalk between neighbouring memory devices during the reading out. Further reduction of the interferences has been recently achieved by the monolithically integration of a light-emitting electrochemical cell (LEC) with a RRAM both made by a single perovskite material. The seamless combination of both devices has resulted in a light emitting memory (LEM) where the encoded data by the RRAM unit is read whereas the information is transmitted through light emission from the LEC unit. However, the potential deployment of this technology is hindered by the presence of lead in the composition of the perovskites. Therefore, the partial or complete substitution of the lead will increase the environmental friendliness of the technology following recent guidelines of the European Commission in terms of DNSH principles and the strategy for green and digital transformation of the industry in Europe.
Therefore, the aim of LEMOSKITES is twofold, first, the careful engineering of the crystal structure and composition of the perovskites made with lower or null content of lead to understand their oxidation and crystallization kinetics. And second, the fabrication and understanding of charge kinetics in LEMs made of lead-free or doped perovskites with lower concentration than parent materials. Finally, the prevalence of the solution deposition techniques, the preparation of nanometric thin layers and the reduction in the content of metals in the electrode will contribute to decrease the fabrication cost of the devices.
I+D+i CNS2022-135483, financiado por MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la “Union Europea Next GenerationEU/PRTR”
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