Dinuclear transition metal complexes as molecular catalysts for CO2 electroreduction
The overarching goal of this project is the "development of molecular and supramolecular catalysts and the study of their applications."
The PhD Project aligns with the host group’s research priorities. Research objectives:
1. Synthesis and characterization of new multidentate nitrogenous ligands: these ligands will play a key role in the development of molecular catalysts.
2. Synthesis and characterization of di-nuclear complexes with non-noble metals (e.g., Cu, Co): preparing and studying complexes with non-noble metals, an area with potential applications in various catalytic reactions.
3. Study of the applications of the coordination complexes in various catalytic reactions, such as CO2 electroreduction: focus on the application of the coordination complexes in catalytic processes, with particular emphasis on the electroreduction of CO2, a critical area of current research due to its environmental relevance.
The Joan Oró (FI) Predoctoral Fellowships aim to fund the recruitment of predoctoral researchers in training. Moreover, the Joan Oró Programme promotes international mobility and additional training for predoctoral researchers in scientific and transversal skills.
Managed by AGAUR, the grants are part of the Strategic Plan of the Department of Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia. They are co-funded by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), and their goal is to promote research, innovation, and knowledge transfer.
The main purpose of the Joan Oró Programme is to support doctoral studies within the Catalan research system, enabling the completion of high-quality PhD theses that contribute to researchers’ training and professional development.
Amb el suport del programa d’ajuts predoctorals Joan Oró del Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Fons Social Europeu Plus.
Funded by the Joan Oró Predoctoral Fellowship Programme of the Department of Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia and the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).
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