Mª Dolores Segarra, PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Piet van Leeuwen and Dr. Zoraida Freixa, defended her PhD Thesis entitled Switcable and Tunable Ligands for Homogeneous Catalysis (assigned to the Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Department of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili) publicly at the ICIQ auditorium.
The members of his evaluation committee were: Prof. Rosa Llusar (Universitat Jaume I), Prof. Christian Müller (Eindhoven University of Technology). Prof. Christopher Alexander Hunter (University of Sheffield), Prof. Pau Ballester (ICIQ) and Prof. Carmen Claver (Universitat Rovira i Virgili).
Dr. Mª Dolores Segarra, with her supervisors, Prof. van Leeuwen and Dr. Zoraida Freixa, and the evaluation committee at the end of the PhD thesis defence