Nitro ice cream

Objective: Prepare an ice-cream with liquid nitrogen and eat it!

  • Laboratory materials


    Scale Gloves

    Container for liquid nitrogen (Dewar)

    Spoons and plastic cups

    Feeding bottles

  • Ingredients for 4-5 people

    Cream (90 g)

    Milk (100 g)

    Sugar (20 g)

    Vanilla extract (2 teaspoons)

    Food coloring

    Liquid nitrogen

  • Safety

    Use the special gloves to handle the liquid nitrogen and be careful as it is at -196°C.

    Use materials designated for edible experiments.


  • In a bowl, mix the cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla extract.
  • Divide the mixture into 3 feeding bottles and add a different food coloring to each one.
  • Place liquid nitrogen in an aluminum bowl and gradually add the mixture from the bottles. Constant stirring is key to achieving a good texture.
  • Once ready, serve the ice cream in cups and enjoy your freshly made ice cream!

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