Catalysis and autocatalysis

Objective: Observe an example of autocatalysis

  • Laboratory materials

    Test tubes and rack



    Pasteur pipettes

  • Reagents

    Oxalic acid 1 M (HOOCCOOH)

    Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)

    Potassium permanganate 0.02 M (KMnO4)

    Manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO4)


  • Safety

    Don't forget the gloves, lab coat, and safety goggles!!!

  • Questions

    How did you prepare the initial solutions?

    Which reactions are taking place?


  • Prepare the following solutions:
    • 100 mL of oxalic acid 1 M, adding a bit of sulfuric acid (to facilitate the solution).
    • 100 mL of potassium permanganate 0.02 M.
  • Put 5 mL of the oxalic acid solution into 2 test tubes and add 2 drops of the potassium permanganate solution.
  • In only one of the tubes, add a tiny amount of manganese(II) sulfate.
  • Shake both tubes and observe.

Theoretical explanation:

The solution in the tube where we added manganese sulfate discolors very quickly while the other tube remains violet. However, after a while, it also discolors quickly and not gradually.

The reaction taking place is the following:

5 HOOCCOOH + 2 MnO4 + 6 H+   2 Mn2+ + 10 CO2 + 8 H2O

It is a slow reaction, but it is catalyzed by the Mn2+ ion. In the first tube, we added a little, and in the second, we did not, but since it starts to form as it is also a product of the reaction, the reaction then self-catalyzes and becomes faster.

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