
Discover the vital impact of chemical research through our engaging outreach programmes

At ICIQ, we are passionate about making a difference. We engage with the general public through a wide range of activities, sharing our discoveries in sustainable catalysis, renewable energies, and healthcare. Join us in exploring the fascinating world of chemistry and its impact on our lives.

ICIQ hosts the exhibition "(In)visibles i (O)cultes"

From March to May 2025, ICIQ will host the traveling exhibition “(In)visible and (O)cluded”, produced by the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona. This exhibition highlights the stories of 24 pioneering women scientists across history, shedding light on their contributions and challenges.

Thanks to Menarini, the exhibition is available in Catalan and Spanish, making it accessible to ICIQers and visitors alike.

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Inspire, educate and make impact through science outreach activities

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