Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano among the “Talented 12” in chemical research

Mónica_webThe prestigious Chemical & Engineering News journal of the American Chemical Society selected Dr. Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano, an ICIQ group leader, among the 12 talented chemists of 2018. She received the recognition for her work on capturing reaction intermediates to design more efficient reactions. Dr. Pérez-Temprano is the first Spaniard to receive this honour.

“I am sure that this international recognition will give great visibility to my group’s research, which aims to solve major challenges that are still a mystery for science. It will also help inspire younger generations of chemists,” says Pérez-Temprano.

Since 2015, C&EN annually selects 12 promising young chemists from academia and the industrial sector around the world. The names of the winners of 2018 were unveiled yesterday at the ACS meeting in Boston. She will have the opportunity to present her research in a TED Talk format during the event.

The “Talented 12” were chosen by C&EN staff members from a pool of more than 350 nominees. Chemists are selected based on their efforts to seek solutions to the challenges that C&EN itself describes as “most problematic” within the field of chemical research.

Read Dr. Pérez-Temprano’s profile in C&EN
Dr. Pérez-Temprano talks about her work in this video

In the media: 

La científica que quería fotografiar los pasos ocultos tras las reacciones químicas (La Vanguardia)

Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano: “No tienes que renunciar a tu vida para triunfar en ciencia” (El Periódico)

Átomos con núcleo vallisoletano (Diario de Valladolid)

Una investigadora de l’ICIQ, entre les dotze promeses químiques mundials (TV3 Comarques)

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