In this year’s Science Week (from 17th to 21st November), ICIQ has organized and participated in a series of events with the aim of making Science closer to the public. Here’s the list of the activities:
Guided tours of ICIQ facilities (ICIQ’s facilities, Nov. 17-21)
Five different schools (from Tarragona, Reus, Alcover) have visited us and we have shown them our facilities and how research work is done. This guided tour was amused by the Ditada theater group.
Química en Escena: històries apassionants d’àtoms i molècules (ICIQ Auditorium, Nov. 18-20 at 19:00h).Open to everyone!
Chemistry was on stage at ICIQ during three evenings. Incredible and colorful experiments have been performed in front of rows with smiling faces.
ICIQ Stand at the R+D Fair in Tarragona (Palau de Congressos de Tarragona, Nov. 19-21)This is the second year ICIQ has participated in this
fair where information about ICIQ’s technological and research offer has been available at the ICIQ Stand. Besides, some ICIQ researchers performed amusing experiments in front of the visitors.
Lecture by Prof. Javier Pérez-Ramírez (Cosmocaixa Tarragona, Nov. 21, 19:00h)
Title: “El óxido nitroso: de gas social a enemigo medioambiental”