15th May 2024 -
Rebeca Ferrer and Dr. Joan Guillem Mayans have participated in the Tarragona edition of the Pint of Science festival celebrated from 13th to 15th May 2024
The research done at ICIQ was present this week in two bars of Tarragona, as Rebeca Ferrer and Dr. Joan Guillem Mayans participated in a new edition of the Pint of Science festival celebrated the from 13th to 15th May. Pint of Science is a science popularization festival, a way to bring closer research to the bar public.
Rebecca is a PhD student from Dr. Katherine Villa’s group. She explained what micromotors are and what they do to an unusual public, around 40 people having a drink at Sala Zero. Micromotors are microscopic particles that, once activated, can autonomously move through water, and be used to water decontamination and the conversion of pollutants into clean energy.
Next day, Dr. Joan Guillem Mayans, from ICIQ Outreach Unit, got the audience of the bar Ol’ Dirty Burgers with his chemical explanation of the origin of life. Prebiotic chemistry studies the evolution of various organic molecules that may have been present on early Earth and gave rise to the first forms of life.
This format greatly enriches the dynamics of the bar and allows scientists to explain research in a more informal way and with a more personal style. Pint of Science closes the space between the scientific and non-scientific community
Dr. Joan Guillem Mayans, from ICIQ Outreach Unit
This festival began in 2012 in the United Kingdom, and after that it started to spread all around the world. Today, 25 countries host Pint of Science and only in Spain there are 64 cities with this festival. The 2024 edition is the 6th for the city of Tarragona, with 16 researchers popularizating their science.
ICIQ participation does not end at Tarragona, as Dr. José A. Berrocal, group leader, joined the Friburg edition, in Switzerland. Dr. Berrocal participated in a session about polymers talking about smart plastics and edible polymers, even eating them.
This is my first time participating in the Pint of Science festival and it’s a very fun experience, sharing your science informally. It was also special to show the potential of my research to improve life on the planet
Dr. José A. Berrocal, group leader
Pint of Science 2024 is a free festival, and this is possible thanks to the collaboration of organizations that sponsor the festival. The Tarragona edition have the sponsoring of Celler Masroig, Jóvenes Nucleares Association, and the participating bars: Sala Zero Tarragona, Old Dirty Burgers, Cafè Teatre de Reus, and As de Copes de Reus.
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