ICIQ receives three additional fellowships awarded for the MSCA-PF 2022 call

These new researchers will join the previously announced postdoctoral fellows, making a total of nine awarded individuals in this last call.

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This year, the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) programme has awarded an unprecedented number of fellowships to ICIQ. In addition to the six previously announced fellowships, ICIQ is pleased to welcome three more postdoctoral researchers with this grant. This marks a new record for the institution, with a total of nine fellowships granted in a single year.

Among the new additions, we have the postdoctoral researcher Karen de la Vega from the Prof. Marcos G. Suero group, who will contribute her expertise to the project NAKED-C: New late-stage functionalization reagents for the construction of chiral centers to impact drug discovery. Dr. de la Vega will explore novel methodologies for constructing chiral centers in drug molecules, paving the way for advancements in the field of drug development.

Another recent fellowship granted is for Xiaojiao Yuan, who will join the Dr. JR Galán-Mascarós group to work on the GREEN project. The project focuses on S/P-Coordinated Transition Metal Single Sites-doped Carbon Matrices as Electrocatalysts for Nitrogen Reduction. Dr. Yuan will utilize an innovative approach involving single-atom catalysts (SACs) for the production of ammonia through electrochemical nitrogen reduction.

The final MSCA fellowship has been awarded to Aratrika Chakraborty that will work under the guidance of Dr. Julio Lloret. Dr. Chakraborty will contribute to the COFPOR-4-fuels project, which aims to investigate a new class of COFs (covalent organic frameworks) based electrocatalysts, aiming to integrate CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) and H2O oxidation half reactions in one catalytic system.

From left to right: Xiaojiao Yuan and Karen de la Vega. Aratrika Chakraborty is not pictured as she will be joining ICIQ in the upcoming months.

The MSCA-PF programme, with its highly competitive and prestigious grants, aims to support Ph.D. researchers’ career development and foster research excellence. This programme also offers the chance to conduct research abroad, acquire new skills and gain experience in various countries and disciplines.

The previously announced MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships awarded in the 2022 call are:

  • Thirusangu M. Senthamarai Ganapathy, working on the RECIRCULATE project under the guidance of Prof. Kleij Group.
  • Matteo Lanzi, contributing to the PEACE project in the same research group.
  • Aswin Gopakumar will conduct research on the POMASAC project under the supervision of Prof. Lloret Group.
  • Luis Duarte focusing on the deBioLED project with Dr. Romero Group.
  • Jesus Rodrigalvarez working with Prof. Ruben Martín Group, engaged in the CARBO-CHAIN project.
  • Subhabrata Mukhopadhyay will work on the MolPPS project in the group of Prof. Antoni Llobet.


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