AGAUR awards 4 Beatriu de Pinós grants to ICIQ postdoctoral researchers

14th March 2023 -

The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ-CERCA) is proud to announce that four projects led by ICIQ researchers have been awarded by the Beatriu de Pinós 2021 programme

The Beatriu de Pinós programme (postdocBP) concentrates on attracting highly qualified postdoctoral researchers. Established in 2005, this programme is financially supported by the General Directorate for Research in the Government of Catalonia and managed by AGAUR.

The aim of this programme is to offer financial support for the recruitment and integration of postdoctoral researchers into the science and technology system of Catalonia. Researchers are given the freedom to choose their research project in any area. The selection of candidates is carried out through a fair, impartial and competitive evaluation process.

The postdocBP programme is designed to help researchers develop their professional skills in three key areas: leadership, independence and consolidation. Furthermore, it encourages international mobility, multidisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration, and also promotes the acquisition of transversal skills through supplementary training for researchers.

The grantees at ICIQ will pursue their research projects and collaborate with the Institute’s scientific community. Their expertise and experience will enrich our research programmes and foster new collaborations with other international research groups.

The ICIQ researchers who are granted the funding are:

  • Dr. Jia-Wei Wang, who joined Prof. Antoni Llobet group to work on “Catalytic CO2 reduction to liquid C2 chemicals by dinuclear non-noble metal catalysts (CONNECT)”. (2021 BP 00160)
  • Dr. Manuel Petroselli, who joined Prof. Pau Ballester group to work on “Water-Soluble Supramolecular Hosts for Applications in Radical Chemistry and Chemical Biology”. (2021 BP 00028)
  • Dr. Matteo Lanzi, from Prof. Arjan W. Kleij group, to work on C-SPLIT: Enantio-divergent synthesis of heterodiaryl substituted homoallylic alcohols featuring quaternary carbon stereocenters. (2021 BP 00162)
  • Dr. Tamal Chatterjee, from Prof. Emilio Palomares group, to work on Heteroatom substituted and beta-functionalized metalloporphyrins for the electro- and photocatalytic CO2 conversion processes (HetPorCat). (2021 BP 00204)
  • A fifth grant to develop the project Gold-Catalyzed Late-Stage Modification of Prenylated Pharmaceuticals and Biomolecules with Acetylene Gas (PrenGold) supervised by Prof. Antonio M. Echavarren (2021 BP 00171) has finally become vacant.


ICIQ congratulates the four researchers for their achievements and wishes them a successful and fruitful research stay at the Institute.


Funded by: Generalitat de Catalunya/Agaur


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