New Postdoctoral researchers at ICIQ thanks to MSCA-PF-2022

The 2022 call of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships programme (MSCA-PF-2022) has awarded 6 postdoctoral researchers with this highly competitive and prestigious grants to join ICIQ, with a total endowment of more than one million euros. The aim is to support researchers’ careers and foster excellence in research. The Postdoctoral Fellowships action targets researchers holding a PhD who wish to carry out their research activities abroad, acquire new skills, develop their careers, gain experience in other countries, disciplines and non-academic sectors.

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The fellowships granted allows researchers to move from any country in the world to Spain. From the six fellowships granted, five of them are already working at ICIQ:

  • Thirusangu M. Senthamarai Ganapathy (Prof. Kleij Group), will work on the RECIRCULATE project:
    • The development of bio-supported homogeneous organocatalysts with improved recycling potential through sequential de- and re-polymerization and their use in CO2 valorization catalysis.
  • Matteo Lanzi (Prof. Kleij Group), will work on the PEACE project:
    • Photocatalyzed enantiodivergent synthesis of homoallylic and carboxylic acids featuring heterodiaryl quaternary carbon stereocenters
  • Aswin Gopakumar (Prof. Lloret Group), will work on the POMASAC project:
    • Photoelectrochemical Oxidation of Methane using Single Atom Catalysts
  • Luis Duarte (Dr. Romero Group), will work on deBioLED project:
    • He seeks to design bioinspired chromophore-protein complexes of high red emission efficiency to fabricate the next generation of eco-friendly color converting layers (CCLs) of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).
  • Jesus Rodrigalvarez (Prof. Ruben Martín Group), will work on the CARBO-CHAIN project
    • CARBO-CHAIN: Development of new sp3 C–H carboxylation strategies via interrupted Ni-catalyzed chain-walking catalysis


The new fellow that will join ICIQ in the upcoming months, will be Subhabrata Mukhopadhyay. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University (Sweden). During his stay at ICIQ in the group of Prof. Antoni Llobet, he will work on the MolPPS project: Molecular Catalyst Immobilized into Porous Photocathode for production of Solar fuel. After the publication of this news article, ICIQ received three additional fellowships awarded for the MSCA-PF 2022 call. These new researchers joined the previously announced postdoctoral fellows, making a total of nine awarded individuals in this MSCA-PF-2022 call.


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