Nature Communications paper co-authored by E. Palomares

The group of Prof. E. Palomares has published a work in Nature Communications in collaboration with Dr. Oscar Custance (NIMS, Japan).

James Ryan

Dr. James W. Ryan

The work identifies for the first time important defects in the surface of TiO2 (anatase) using a combination of advanced spectroscopic techniques with atomic resolution and theory. The understanding of the TiO2 surface at the atomic level is paramount for different research areas, where TiO2  plays a pivotal role, such as solar-to-energy conversion ( solar cells and  water splitting) as well as heterogeneous catalysis. The work is the result of Dr. James W. Ryan ( former Ph.D. student in Prof. Palomares group and now Tenure Track researcher at NIMS) overseas visit during his Ph.D. at ICIQ to establish fruitful collaboration with the two centres. Prof. Palomares will visit NIMS in 2016 after been awarded with a visiting Professor Grant by NIMS.



Prof. Emilio Palomares

Atomic species identification at the (101) anatase surface by simultaneous scanning tunnelling and atomic force microscopy
O. Stetsovych, M. Todorović, T. K. Shimizu, C. Moreno, J. W. Ryan, C. Pérez León, K. Sagisaka, E. palomares, V. Matolín, D. Fujita, R. Perez, O. Custance
Nature Communications, 2015, 6, 7265

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