Innovative catalysis

Catalysis is the Institute’s largest and most significant research area, making a significant contribution to sustainable chemistry. Its primary goal is to advance processes and products that enhance resource utilization efficiency and minimize waste generation. This field encompasses a broad range of chemical catalysis investigations, including homogeneous, heterogeneous, supramolecular and enantioselective catalysis. It also involves the development of novel ligands and catalytic processes, as well as the design and simulation of catalytic reactors.

Industry and markets

  • Bulk chemistry

  • Chemistry

  • Energy

  • Materials

  • Pharmaceutics

  • Plastics

  • Sensors


  • Catalysis and mechanisms

    Understanding the role of catalysts in reactions, discovery of new transformations and activation of inert bonds.

  • CO2 conversion

    Enabling circular economy and incorporating carbon dioxide in useful compounds and materials.

  • Materials and polymers

    Discovery of new materials that follow the principles of sustainability and circularity, and that can outperform current existing ones, or smart materials that provide response to external stimuli.

  • Photochemistry

    Use of light irradiation to trigger unprecedented transformations under well controlled conditions.

  • Supramolecular chemistry

    With applications in the recognition of molecules and encapsulation.

Projects and technologies

Projects and collaborations with industry
  • TRIPYR: Chemical technologies for industrial waste valorisation

  • PHOTORED: Photocatalytic CO2 reductions by green hydrogen.
  • CO2PERATE: Cooperation towards a sustainable chemical industry.

  • SURCAR: Preparation of a zwitterionic monomer for polymer preparation as anti-fingerprint stain application.

Spin-off companies


Patents licensed to external companies

Catalysis and mechanisms:

• Ni(0) catalysts Technology licensed to Michigan University

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Business & Innovation

Contact our expert team to start a collaboration or to ask for a solution

  • Dr. Sergio Sopeña

    Business Development Manager

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