For the fourth year, the ICIQ Severo Ochoa International Mobility Programme has awarded seven fellowships to ICIQ predoctoral students to develop a research project in an international institution abroad during 2024. These fellowships aim to allow excellent young ICIQ researchers to experience a different research environment and complement their research training.
The awarded students are:
- Florian Schiel (Melchiorre group) will join Prof. Timothy Nöel’s group at the Van’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Koushik Ranu (Llobet Group) will work at the Max Plank Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Serena DeBeer and Dr. Olaf Rüdiger.
- Laura Lerena (Echavarren group) will join Prof. Tomislav Rovis’ group at Columbia University (US).
- Sergio Barranco (Pérez-Temprano group) will work at the University of California, Berkeley (US) in the group of Prof. John F. Hartwig.
- Zhimei Luo (Llobet Group) will join Prof. Gangfeng Ouyang’s group at the School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University (China).
- Arnau Rodríguez (Echavarren group) will join Prof. Véronique Gouverneur’s group at Oxford University (UK).
- Valero Gimeno (Suero group) will be joining Prof. Hirohisa Ohmiya’s group at Kyoto University (Japan).
The ICIQ-Severo Ochoa International Mobility Programme is possible thanks to the funding of the “Severo Ochoa” Centres of Excellence Programme CEX2019-000925-S (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033, 2020-2024).