calendar 24/02/2017
clock 12:00 h
location ICIQ Auditorium

Society Publishing at Wiley-VCH / Dealing with Scientific Misconduct - a Part of an Editor's day-to-day Work

The first lecture on society publishing covers Scholarly Publishing and the extent of the concept. Aspects of scholarly publishing are visualized with examples of Wiley and   Wiley-VCH. The models of society publishing are elucidated. Differences and similarities will be highlighted.


The ChemPubSoc Europe journals adhere to the ethical guidelines laid out in the EuCheMS Ethical Guidelines for Publication in Journals and Reviews. Based on these guidelines, an overview of an unpleasant but important aspect of the day-to-day work of a scientific journal editor is given: Dealing with scientific misconduct. Scientific misconduct in publishing includes inadequate citing, plagiarism but also outright fraud. Offenders can be authors, referees but also editors.

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