PhD Thesis
calendar 11/10/2021
clock 11:00 h
location Prof. Dr. Kilian Muñiz Auditorium & ZOOM Platform
  • Lecturer: Cristina Maquilón
  • Supervisor: Prof. Arjan W. Kleij

New and Functional Cyclic Carbonates for Polymer Applications

Polymeric materials are widely use in daily life due to their broad applicability in consumer end-products. However, virtually none of the most employed polymers are biodegradable and consequently they accumulate in the natural environment, with potential adverse side-effects. New approaches that can unleash protocols for biobased polymer substitutes with an improved carbon footprint and degradation features can help to advance a transition to a more sustainable polymer production with polycarbonates, polyesters and polyurethanes as exemplary cases. The development of new polymer chemistry based on cyclic carbonates is here presented as a way to contribute to the challenge posed by the production of greener and more environmentally friendly materials. Connected to this objective, this thesis has devoted particular attention to: (1) the synthesis of new functional and structurally modular cyclic carbonate monomers, (2) the investigation of novel larger-ring cyclic carbonates and their potential as monomers in ROP processes, and (3) the study of the relationship between the nature and substitution pattern of these monomers on their “polymerizability” and the influence on the resultant polymer properties. This thesis work demonstrates that new designs of cyclic carbonates can be developed using catalytic CO2 valorization approaches providing new monomers for polymer synthesis.

According to the last information received from ICIQ’s safety department about the measures to prevent and contain COVID-19 at ICIQ, a total of 50 people is now the maximum capacity allowed in the Auditorium, so the Thesis Defense will be finally held in the Auditorium as well as through ZOOM platform too.


For those who prefer to follow the ceremony in a virtual format, please remember that you should register here


For the ones who would like to attend the defense in the Auditorium, please fill in this registration form to be sure that we do not exceed the maximum capacity. (It will be assigned on a first-come/first served basis). We will confirm your acceptance through an e-mail as soon as possible after your registration.


More information will be available soon!

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