calendar 04/10/2024
clock 12:00

Spectroelectrochemistry: Adapt your Setup to your Problem

Spectroelectrochemistry (SEC) combines the capability of Electrochemistry to control electrode processes and the capability of Spectroscopy to provide structural information about the molecules and materials involved on this electrode process. There are a number of possible combinations for these techniques, being the most usual ones UV/Vis absorption SEC, Photoluminiscence SEC and Raman SEC. Depending on the type of molecule or material, the kind of information we are looking for or the type of instrumentation available in our lab, we have to select the best combination to extract as much information as possible about our problem. Even, using the same SEC technique there are very different experimental setups which provides very different information.

In this talk, we will introduce which are the different options to perform SEC, how to select the best technique and the best optical configuration depending on the type of chemical problem. A good election of the techniques and setups provides a huge amount of information. One of the most important characteristics of the SEC data is the intrinsic trilinear character which can help to understand better the processes taking place at the electrode surface.

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