An article by Prof. LLobet's research group reaches the cover in ChemSusChem

The article Chemical, Electrochemical, and Photochemical Catalytic Oxidation of Water to Dioxygen with Mononuclear Ruthenium Complexes (ChemSusChem 2011, 4, 197-207), co-authored by Stephan Roeser, Pau Farràs, Fernando Bozoglian, Marta Martínez-Belmonte, Jordi Benet-Buchholz and Antoni Llobet, has been highlighted on the front cover of Chemistry & Sustainability (ChemSusChem).The front cover of this special issue on Photocatalysis highlights research by Prof. Antoni Llobet and co-workers. In their Full Paper, they report on the oxidation of water to dioxygen with mononuclear ruthenium complexes as catalysts. The oxidation can be induced either chemically, electrochemically, or photochemically; the thorough investigation thus reveals the versatility of these complexes.

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