Polyoxometalates (POMs) are molecular oxides built on transition metals of groups 5 and 6. They display an incredible variety of molecular structures and remarkable properties, which lead to applications in various fields such as analytical chemistry, catalysis and materials science. The group in Paris has gained expertise in the functionalization and post-functionalization of POMs, namely the elaboration of POM based organic-inorganic hybrids. I will present some advanced architectures together with their application in artificial photosyntheses (hydrogen evolving reaction) and the characterization of electron transfer to and through a POM monolayer grafted on solid substrates.
1- Functionalization and post-functionalization a step towards polyoxometalate-based materials
A. Proust, B. Matt, R. Villanneau, G. Guillemot, P. Gouzerh, G. Izzet
Chem. Soc. Rev. Themed issue on Polyoxometalates, 2012, 41, 7605-7622.
2- Charge Photo-Accumulation and Photocatalytic Hydrogen Activity Under Visible Light in an Iridium(III)-Photosensitized Polyoxotungstate
B. Matt, J. Fize, J. Moussa, H.Amouri, V. Artero, G. Izzet, A. Proust
Energy and Environmental Science, 2013, 6, 10504-1508.
3- Electrografting of Diazonium post-functionalized Polyoxometalates: Synthesis, Immobilization and Electron Transfer Characterization from Glassy Carbon
C.Rinfray,G. Izzet, J. Pinson, S. Gam Derouich,C. Combellas, F. Kanoufi,A. Proust
Chem. Eur. J., 2013,19, 13838-13846.
4- Electron Transfer Properties of a Monolayer of Hybrid Polyoxometalates on Silicon
F.Volatron,J.-M. Noël, C. Rinfray,P. Decorse,C. Combellas,F. Kanoufi, A. Proust, submitted
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