Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board is the body responsible for advising the Board of Trustees on the Foundation’s scientific policy and for evaluating its activities. It is currently comprised of the following members, selected from amongst the most prestigious and accomplished professionals in the field of chemistry.

Prof. Thomas Carell Ludwig – Maximilians – Universität München (Munich, Germany)
Prof. Bo Albinsson Chalmers University of Technology (Goteborg, Sweden)
Prof. Christopher A. Hunter University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Prof. James R. Durrant Imperial College of London (London, United Kingdom)
Prof. Jeremy Harvey KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium)
Prof. Erick M. Carreira ETH Zentrum (Zürich, Switzerland)
Prof. Siglinda Perathoner Università degli Studi di Messina (Messina, Italia)
Prof. Beatriz Roldán Max-Planck – Gesellschaft (Munich, Germany)
Prof. Hernán Míguez Institute of Materials Science of Sevilla CSIC (Sevilla, Spain)
Prof. John F. Hartwig University of California (Berkeley, USA)
Prof. Cristina Nevado University of Zurich (Zürich, Switzerland)

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