The research carried out by Prof. Echavarren has been recognised among the most cited papers published in RSC flagship journals, ChemComm and ChemSocRev. In particular,
Molecular diversity through gold catalysis with alkynes, co-authored by Eloisa Jiménez and Antonio M. Echavarren, has been recognised as the highest cited article published in ChemComm from 2007.To celebrate this significant achievement, which reflects the high quality of his research and real interest in the papers he published in these important RSC journals, Prof. Echavarren has been invited to a celebratory “most cited” dinner at the forthcoming ACS National Meeting in Washington. This award dinner will host the most cited authors from ChemComm and ChemSocRev for the years 2006 and 2007, and a number of the journal editors hope to be present too.