Silver-Catalyzed Functionalization of Esters by Carbene Transfer: The Role of Ylide Zwitterionic Intermediates

The reaction of esters with ethyl diazoacetate catalyzed by the complex [F27–Tpinline imageAg(acetone)] generates α-(acyloxy)acetates in moderate to high yields. This is a novel transformation in the context of carbene-transfer reactions from diazo compounds that, according to experimental and theoretical data, is suggested to occur through zwitterionic intermediates.

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R. Gava, M. A. Fuentes, M. Besora, T. R. Belderrain, K. Jacob, F. Maseras, M. Etienne, A. Caballero, P. J. Pérez

ChemCatChem 2014, 6, 2206-2210
DOI: Go to the journal

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