Another "Mad for chemistry" edition ended successfully

2nd December 2024 – The 11th edition of the outreach programme “Mad for chemistry” has come to an end with the participation of 25 excellent high school students On Saturday, 23rd November it was held at ICIQ the closing ceremony of the “Mad for chemistry” programme. This year 25 high school students have participated in this outreach programme, which concluded with a day full of scientific experiments, project presentations, and inspirational talks. “Mad for chemistry” (or “Bojos per la química”, its original name in Catalan) is a programme organised by Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation and developed by ICIQ. This programme is directed to 15-17 years old students, with a special interest and talent in chemistry and research. This is one of the main outreach activities carried out by ICIQ. The programme provides an excellent introduction to research and the scientific mindset, using chemistry and the laboratory as vehicles. Through 13 sessions that combine theory and practice, we aim to stimulate students’ creativity and critical thinking, always guided by professionals from the fields being explored. Dr. Joan Guillem Mayans, programme coordinator.

The last session of the programme was the closing ceremony, which started with an inspirational talk by Dr. José A. Berrocal followed by a small congress where the students presented the results they achieved during the development of their synthetic projects. Afterwards, the group went to the outreach laboratory to perform some visually appealing reactions and ended the day with some words of appreciation by Prof. Emilio Palomares, director of ICIQ, and a cocktail together with their families.

The programme was incredible and very enjoyable. It helped me explore different branches of chemistry with professionals who were truly passionate about their fields. We had the opportunity to use the laboratories, carry out experiments, and experience what it would be like to be a researcher. I also had the chance to build friendships with amazing people, and it was an opportunity that was absolutely worthwhile and that I thoroughly enjoyed. Without a doubt, if someone were to ask me whether I would do it again, I would always say yes.

Julia Feliz, participant of the programme “Mad for chemistry”.

The participants expressed their feedbak about the programme, highlighting the session about molecular cuisine and their participation in one of the episodes of the ICIQ “Blau de Prússia” podcast with Tarragona Ràdio. “Mad for chemistry” is one of the courses offered within the programme “Mad for science” (“Bojos per la Ciència”), organised by Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation. At Bojos per la Ciència we want pre-university students with a curiosity about science to have a global and practical experience of what happens day-to-day in a research centre. By putting them in contact with professional researchers and science communicators in the context of a research center, we want to help create people who will not only do science in the future, but who will be committed to its dissemination. Nando Oterino, coordinator of the programme “Bojos per la ciència” from Catalunya-La Pedrera Foundation.

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