Investing in knowledge and innovation is one of the a key objectives for ICIQ’s direction, which for the second time has promoted the call ICIQ 2022 Strategic Funds (ISFC 22) within the framework of the Severo Ochoa Program.
The aim of this call is to fund risky research projects lead by ICIQ Group Leaders. The projects will contribute to develop innovative research lines that the groups are willing to consolidate in the near future through other funding opportunities such as European Research Council projects or other national calls.
The ISFC’22 will fund 4 strategic research projects: two projects in catalysis and other two focused on energy and sustainability.
“Researchers have 50,000€ to develop cutting-edge and risky research that otherwise would not be possible” comments Dr. Lorena Tomás, head of ICIQ’s Research Projects and Grants Department. Moreover, she adds “we consider essential to provide resources to our researchers so that they can face new challenges. So, thanks to this seed funding and for 12 months, they will be able to carry out research with the aim of finding preliminary results”.
The projects are evaluated externally by an evaluation committee delegated by Prof. Thomas Carrell (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität), chair of ICIQ’s Scientific Advisory Board.
“Science is essential to promote sustainable development and to guarantee a fairer society. For this reason, with these initiatives we want to go further and promote the emergence of new projects that can improve the competitiveness and progress of our society”, emphasizes Prof. Emilio Palomares, ICIQ’s director.
The projects selected in this year’s call are leaded by: Prof. P. Ballester, Prof. J.R. Galán-Mascarós, Prof. A. Llobet and Prof. F. Maseras.
This programme is supported by the Spanish State Research Agency (through the Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence Programme (CEX2019-000925-S (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).
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