A paper published by Prof. Echavarren’s group in Angewandte Chemie International Edition has been highlighted in Synfacts, vol 12, issue 7 (666). Synfacts selects the most significant results on synthetic organic chemistry that appear in the literature considered as the future trends in synthetic chemistry.
The researchers achieve the first total synthesis of cannabimovone from Cannabis sativa and anhydrocannabimovone by means of a highly stereoselective gold(I)-catalyzed cycloisomerization. The results led to reassignment of the structure of anhydrocannabimovone.
Synthesis of (-)-Cannabimovone and Structural Reassignment of Anhydrocannabimovone through Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization
J. Carreras, M. S. Kirillova, A. M. Echavarren
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 7121-7125
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