Viktória Diána Lovász

PhD Student

Viktória obtained her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chemistry from the RWTH Aachen University. Her bachelor’s thesis focused on the synthesis and characterization of hybrid and hollow microgels to investigate their thermoresponsive behavior for regenerative tissue engineering. During her master’s studies, she specialized in two fields: computational chemistry and catalysis, and completed two research projects in these areas. The first project involved conducting kinetic studies and periodic DFT calculations on a Ru model surface to investigate the mechanism of methanol decomposition to methane and the effects of water molecules on the reaction. In her second research project, she explored the bonding mechanisms in various semiconductors through DFT calculations and force constant analysis. Viktoria conducted her master’s thesis in the Department of Laser and Molecular Spectroscopy/Environmental Physics at the Technical University of Berlin. There, she investigated functionalized diamondoids via quantum simulations and photodissociation mass spectrometry (UV/Vis to IR).

  • University of Origin: RWTH Aachen University
  • Area: Research
  • Research Group/s: Prof. Katherine Villa
  • Funding: ERC-StG
  • Phone: +34 977 920 200 (ext. 227)
  • e-mail:

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