Celebration of Professor Echavarren's 60th Anniversary

Symposium 29/05/2015 at 09:00h | ICIQ Auditorium Prof. Dr. Kilian Muñiz

Foto A M Echavarren

Professor Antonio M. Echavarren is heading to his 60th anniversary and we would like to celebrate it with a symposium in his honor. The symposium will be held on Friday May 29th, 2015 at ICIQ Auditorium (Av. Països Catalans, 16 43007-Tarragona).

If you would like to attend to the symposium, please fill out the registration form and send it. Attendance to the symposium is free. In the registration form you will be also required to let us know whether you will attend to the symposium’s gala dinner (May 29th, 9pm). Deadline for registrations: April 30th, 2015

Tentative programme of the symposium

09.00 Opening remarks by Professor Miquel A. Pericàs

09.15 Chairperson: Professor Diego Cárdenas

“Challenging Targets, Unique Binding Modes: Novel Strategies Against Cancer”
Professor Cristina Nevado (University of Zurich)

10.00 Chairperson: Dr. Beatrice Ranieri

“Building Natural Products with a Little Help from Gold”
Dr. Michael Muratore (ICIQ)

10.45 Coffee/tea break

11.15 Chairperson: Dr. Elena Herrero

“Kinetically Trapped Entanglements: Artificial Molecular Pumps in Action”
Professor Paul McGonigal (University of Durham)

12.00 Chairperson: Dr. Cati Ferrer

“Coping with Molecular Diversity: From Nanographenes to Natural Product Synthesis”
Ruth Dorel (ICIQ)

12.45 Chairperson: Professor Juan Manuel Cuerva

“Can we Turn a Computer into a Flask?”
Professor Enrique Gómez Bengoa (Universidad del País Vasco)

13.15 Closing remarks by professor Antonio M. Echavarren

13.30 Snacks and refreshments

21.00 Gala dinner

Organizing committee: Sònia Gavaldà, Imma Escofet, Judit Martínez
Contact: Sònia Gavaldà

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