Over 170 SUNRISE’s stakeholders gathered on June 17-18 at the Academy Palace of Brussels, in connection with the EU Sustainable Energy Week, as one of the Energy Days. Renewable energy experts from Academia, Industry and Policy addressed the current state of the initiative and its priority research directions. ICIQ participates in this initiative aiming at becoming one of Europe’s main strategic fields of research.
Discussions showed how solar conversion by artificial photosynthesis for fuel and chemicals could contribute to climate neutrality and negative emissions by developing an ambitious yet realistic roadmap, and aligning action in research, innovation and industry policy – while ensuring the involvement of all the stakeholders. This was SUNRISE’s first big event since it became a Coordinated and Support Action (CSA) in March 2019.
On the way to a handy roadmap
Invited keynote speakers like former IPCC vice-chair Jean-Pascal van Ypersele from UCLouvain, and Harvard University Professor Daniel Nocera were present on the second day. While the Belgian researcher stressed the need for a transition to a net zero emissions’ economy through CO2 storage, the American scientist gave a lecture on carbon-neutral fuels and renewable-based fertilizers. “The world depends on an existing energy infrastructure that has already been paid off. In industrialized countries, renewable energies can piggy-back on it, while in developing countries stand-alone and distributed devices will be more effective,” highlighted Daniel Nocera.
The talks were followed by an innovation workshop and three parallel roadmapping sessions, where participants were challenged to nurture collectively a comprehensive science and technology roadmap towards a climate neutral economy. The direct exchange with the stakeholders was at the centre of the roadmapping activity. Ongoing discussions should allow the research initiative to adopt and release a dynamic first roadmap’s draft by the end of August 2019. With this document, SUNRISE’s stakeholders will ensure the EU can continue to show leadership in the renewable energy sector.
Find more information abut the event here