Clara Saetta

Visiting Student

Clara is a master student in Chemistry under the supervision of Profs. Gianfranco Pacchioni, Livia Giordano and Giovanni Di Liberto at the University of Milano Bicocca (Italy). She uses DFT computational method to investigate the thermodynamical stability of catalytic reaction intermediates to predict the most favorable pathway. Her project specifically focuses on the effects caused by the structure of the catalyst itself and the reaction conditions, focusing on water splitting semi-reactions. Clara is spending 3 months in the group to complement her work on Pt@C3N4 in aqueous environment toward the water splitting reaction.

  • University of Origin: Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca
  • Area: Alumni
  • Research Group/s: Prof. Núria López
  • Phone: +34 977 920 200 (ext. 307)
  • e-mail:

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