Supercritical CO2 as an Efficient Medium for Macromolecular Carbonate Synthesis through Ring-Opening Co- and Teroligomerization

Ring-opening polymerization and teroligomerization processes that involve two different epoxides and carbon dioxide are significantly more efficiently executed in a supercritical CO2 medium. Here, we demonstrate that this generally considered green medium is advantageous for the catalytic formation of both conventional and biobased co- and teroligomers avoiding the occurrence of diffusion-limited catalysis while maximizing the polymer quality, yield, and carbonate content.

Lamparelli, D.H.; Grimaldi, I.; Martínez-Carrión, A.; Bravo, F.; Kleij, A.W.

ACS Sustainable Chem. Engin. 2023
DOI: 10.1021/acssus-chemeng.3c02002

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