Structural Features of Mono‐ and Dimetallic Complexes of Palladium Combining Two Types of Aromatic NHC Ligands

A family of palladium complexes that combine two types of aromatic N‐heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands has been prepared starting from dinuclear palladium complexes. Two of the complexes are mono‐metallic and contain a pyrene‐based mono‐NHC and a benzimidazolylidene ligand. The other two are dimetallic and combine a bridging pyrene‐based bis‐NHC ligand with benzimidazolylidene ligands. All new complexes therefore contain two types of NHC ligands that differ in the size of their aromatic backbones coordinated to the same metal center. All complexes have been characterized and the molecular structure of two of them has been confirmed by X‐ray diffraction studies.

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Gonell, S.; Peris, E.; Poyatos, M.

Eur. J. Inorg. Chem 2019, 2019 (33), 3776-3781
DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201900684


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