Small Gold(I) and Gold(I)‐Silver(I) Clusters via C‐Si Auration

Auration of o‐trimethylsilyl arylphosphines leads to the formation of gold and gold‐silver clusters with ortho‐metalated phosphines displaying 3c‐2e Au‐C‐M bonds (M = Au/Ag). Hexagold clusters [Au 6 L 4 ](X) 2 are obtained by reaction of (L‐TMS)AuCl with AgX, whereas reaction with AgX and Ag 2 O leads to gold‐silver clusters [Au 4 Ag 2 L 4 ](X) 2 . Oxo‐trigold(I) species [Au 3 O] + were identified as the intermediates in the formation of the silver‐doped clusters. Other [Au 5 ], [Au 4 Ag], and [Au 12 Ag 4 ] clusters were also obtained. Clusters containing PAu‐Au‐AuP structural motif display good catalytic activity in the activation of alkynes under homogeneous conditions.

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Pei, X. L.; Pereira, A.; Smirnova, E. S.; Echavarren, A. M.

Chem.: Eur. J 2020, 26 (32), 7309-7313
DOI: 10.1002/chem.202001509

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