Polynuclear Fe(II) complexes: Di/trinuclear molecules and coordination networks

We review here the recent progress made in the synthesis of spin crossover (SCO) Fe(II) coordination complexes with two or three metal atoms, as well as coordination polymers, with the main focus on that in the last five years. We discuss these as well as their magnetic propertiesto derive magnetostructural correlations. This manuscript is organized through the ligand types that serve to produce the various coordination systems presented. The ligand structure and essential SCO parameters of the complexes are gathered in comprehensive figures and tables. This review illustrates the richness and key parameters of coordination chemistry to develop multiple architectures with the desired properties involving this fascinating phenomenon.

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J. R. Galán-Mascarós, G. Aromí, M. Darawsheh

C. R. Chim. 2018, 21 (12), 1209-1229
DOI: 10.1016/j.crci.2018.07.005

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