High-Throughput Experimentation as an Accessible Technology for Academic Organic Chemists in Europe and Beyond

For years now, High-Throughput Experimentation (HTE) have been applied to organic chemistry for reaction optimization and reaction discovery as a powerful tool for time and cost reduction. If this technology has been first developed by and for industry, and used as a routine method today, some academic researchers, including in Europe, are still challenging the accessibility of HTE as a general and daily used technology. One of the reasons is probably the expensive cost of such facilities development, which generally involves automation with robots, dedicated research teams, and expensive analytical instrumentation. This paper aims at bringing to light the accessibility of batch HTE with a minimum of instrumentation and cost, in order to help organic chemists to accelerate the discovery and optimization of new synthetic methodology, leading them to reduce their costs and empower their innovative research.

Caldentey, X.; Romero, E.

Chem. Method. 2023, 3 (5), e202200059
DOI: 10.1002/cmtd.202200059


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