Assembly of Complex 1,4‐Cycloheptadienes by (4+3) Cycloaddition of Rhodium(II) and Gold(I) Non‐Acceptor Carbenes

The formal (4+3) cycloaddition of 1,3‐dienes with Rh(II) and Au(I) non‐acceptor vinyl carbenes, generated from vinylcycloheptatrienes or alkoxyenynes, respectively, leads to 1,4‐cycloheptadienes featuring complex and diverse substitution patterns, including natural dyctiopterene C’ and a hydroxylated derivative of carota‐1,4‐diene. A complete mechanistic picture is presented, in which Au(I) and Rh(II) non‐acceptor vinyl carbenes were shown to undergo a  vinylcyclopropanation/Cope rearrangement or a direct (4+3) cycloaddition  that takes place in a non‐concerted manner.

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Armengol-Relats, H.; Mato, M.; Echavarren, A. M.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 60 (4), 1916-1922
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202012092

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