February 17, 2015
Berta Camafort Blanco, PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Javier de Mendoza, has defensed her PhD Thesis entitled “Cyclotriveratrylene and Porphyrin Scaffolds for Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly” (assigned to the Organic and Analytical Chemistry Department of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili) publicly on February 17th at the ICIQ auditorium. The members of her evaluation […]
February 16, 2015
The ICIQ shares the grief of the family and friends of Yvette Mata, who died yesterday after a severe illness. Yvette joined ICIQ in 2008 as a technician in Prof. Piet van Leeuwen microfluidic laboratory. Later, in 2009, she became part of the Research Support Area as technician in the Chemical Reaction Technologies Unit. We […]
February 13, 2015
The members of RedINTECAT came to ICIQ on February 12th for the kick-off meeting of this network. RedINTECAT aims at Facing Societal Challenges through Collaborative Research in Catalysis and builds on an Integrated Approach to Catalysis developed within the former INTECAT project. The network has the goal of contributing to the discovery of new chemical […]
February 5, 2015
Professors E. Palomares and J. R. Galán-Mascarós have been awarded a ‘Proof of Concept’ (PoC) grant to establish the innovation potential of ideas arising from their ERC-funded projects. The project of Emilio Palomares aims to develop a demo system for cost effective, non-invasive device for rapid detection of cystic fibrosis in humans. “Our research […]
February 5, 2015
Great excitement for a project makes it difficult to keep it a secret. The project for the creation of a “Chemical Experience Center” in Tarragona is a case in point. There has been talk about using the former Banco de España building on la Rambla de Tarragona as the site for a museum devoted to […]
February 3, 2015
A paper published by Ruben Martin et al. in Chemistry – A European Journal has been one of the most accessed during 2014. Metal-catalyzed reductive coupling reactions of aryl halides and (pseudo)halides with carbonyl-type compounds have undergone an impressive development within the last years. These methodologies have shown to be a powerful alternate strategy, practicality […]
February 3, 2015
Carl Djerassi, who died last Friday -January 30th-, was one of the most productive chemists of his time. He developed antihistamines, founded biomedical companies, taught chemistry and even wrote several novels and non-fiction books. But what many consider his greatest achievement was the first synthesis –in collaboration with Luis Miramontes and George Rosengkranz- of an […]