A paper published by Prof. Núria López et al. in Journal of Catalysis has been recognised as a Most Cited Article during 2012.
The paper deals with the use of CeO2 as a promising catalytic system for industrial use in HCl oxidation. Experimental and theoretical studies reveal performance descriptors and provide molecular-level understanding of the reaction over this intriguing oxide. The substantial and remarkably stable Cl2 production and the lower cost of CeO2 make it an attractive alternative to RuO2 for catalytic chlorine recycling in industry.
Performance, structure, and mechanism of CeO2 in HCl oxidation to Cl2
A. P. Amrute, C. Mondelli, M. Moser, G. Novell-Leruth, N. López, D. Rosenthal, R. Farra, M. E. Schuster, D. Teschner, T. Schmidt, J. Pérez-Ramírez
J. Catal., 2012, Vol 286, 287-297