Invited Seminar
calendar 08/11/2022
clock 15:30 h

Blue Mining: Recovery energy and metals from hypersaline brines from Atacama Desert, Chile.

Felipe M. Galleguillos Madrid, Chemical Engineer from North Catholic University from Antofagasta – Chile, Master in Chemical Process Engineering from Santa María University from Valparaiso – Chile and is PhD in Mineral Processing Engineering from Antofagasta University.

He is, electrochemistry and industrial corrosion specialist, currently promoting the development of electrochemical materials and devices for the solar electrolysis of seawater for recovery green H2 as well as for the recovery of energy and metals from the salt gradient, also known as Blue Energy.

He has more than 12 years of experience in the design and construction of chemical and metallurgical plants, where he has worked in the industry as Chemical Process Engineer, Reverse osmosis plant operation manager, Project Manager and Engineering Design Manager in companies such as ENAEX Prillex América SA, Aqualogy Environment Chile SA, AGBAR Chile SA, IMASERV and as Project Manager in the company Albemarle SA.

In January 2021 he is appointed member of the Energy Commission from Chile and actually is academic professor from the electrical engineering department and director of the PhD program in Solar Energy at Atacama University.

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