Quaternary carbon stereocenters are ubiquitous in bioactive and pharmaceutically relevant molecules. However, the construction of C–C bonds leading to chiral quaternary carbons still remains underdeveloped. Our group has explored allylic substitution reactions by employing vinyl cyclic carbonates (VCCs) as privileged substrate motifs, thereby enabling the versatile formation of stereo-defined building blocks. However, at the time of the start of this thesis work, the focus had been merely on preparative methods giving rise to tetrasubstituted C–X (X = N, B, S and O) bonds. Therefore, in order to expand the repertoire of methodologies that lead to sterically demanding carbon centers, the main objective of this doctoral dissertation was the development of novel enantioselective and/or diastereoselective synthetic protocols that involve C–C bond formations while leading to quaternary carbon stereocenters via dual TM catalyzed or dual photoredox/TM catalyzed allylic alkylation reactions.
According to the last information received from ICIQ’s safety department about the measures to prevent and contain COVID-19 at ICIQ, a total of 70 people is now the maximum capacity allowed in the Auditorium, so the Thesis Defense will be finally held in the Auditorium as well as through ZOOM platform too.
For those who prefer to follow the ceremony in a virtual format, please remember that you should register here.
If you are interested in attending in the Auditorium, please, fill in this registration form to be sure that we do not exceed the maximum capacity. (It will be assigned on a first-come/first served basis). We will confirm your acceptance through an e-mail as soon as possible after your registration.
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